
Contactless Slip Ring and Its Use in Wind Turbines

Date: 2018-11-17 13:49:53

      The use of a slip ring in harnessing wind energy is most talked about the application of slip ring in the current era. To a large extent, the effectiveness of the slip ring has brought forth new and better ways to use the source of renewable energy. There has been a lot of hue and cry about the overuse of non-renewable source and the urgency to switch to a renewable source of energy. Subsequently, a huge amount of investments is made in the research and development program to develop ways to make optimum use of wind energy through turbines.


Problem with turbine operation that led to use of slip ring


      Until a few decades ago, the inefficiency of the use of turbine for harnessing wind energy was quite clearly indicated through the skepticism of potential investor from extending their resources for such projects. The inefficiency of the turbine set up was mainly to due to lack of modern equipment, which would at the first place make the rotational motion of the blades along with the transmission of signals possible.

      With the advent of the modern slip ring technology, we have been introduced to advance slip ring, which made the process of transmission of signal almost seamless. The modern list of slip ring includes the turbine slip ring and the contactless slip ring has just made the whole process of harnessing the wind energy effective. Here, we will be discussing the contactless slip ring.


Contactless slip ring

      The contactless slip rings are the most recent forms of innovative slip rings. The transmission of power in such a slip ring is based on the inductive coupling. Such a method of power transfer is based on the primary principle of electromagnetic inductance. The aforesaid principle can be put into use without much of a fuss and operates with a higher level of efficiency. Such a mode of power transmission can be basically described as a wireless form of power transmission.


Benefits of contactless slip ring that makes it a useful addition in turbine setup


      The contactless slip ring as mentioned earlier is the most advanced form of slip ring which deviates from the orthodox slip rings in various aspects. These deviations present itself as a potential benefit. The installation and the mounting of such slip ring are quite simple, which is not the case with other forms of the slip ring. The ease in mounting stems from the physical or the exterior design cue of the slip ring. Another impressive advantage of the use of such slip ring is that they are capable to transfer power without paying any heed to kind of nonmetallic membrane uses in the system.

      The most essential of the lot is the ability of such a slip ring to transmit without hindering the data communication system in the whole turbine setup. Such kind of slip ring helps to make the switch possible in terms of transmission as per the need of the device. This is how the contact slip ring makes the whole operation of harnessing wind energy more efficiently.

Reference Parts# of Slip Rings as below:
Turn Table Slip Rings
The importance of quality control in slip ring production
Stator flange slip ring installation instruction
MFO608 series Fiber Optic Rotary Joints(optional+Electrical Slip Rings)
MFO200 series 2 channels Optical Rotary Joint | Optical Slip Ring
MT25119 series Through Bore Slip Ring

Pri: Breakthrough In The Field Of Medical Science With Slip Ring Next Picking the Right Slip Ring
A Discussion on Separate Slip Rings
A Comparison of Rotating Electrical Connectors and Electrical Slip Ring
Importance of Slip Rings in Investment Intensive Production Plants
How Wireless Slip Rings Work Without Any Physical Connection?
A Discussion on Contact System and Slip Ring Transmitter
Importance of Through Bore Slip Ring Over Other Forms of Slip Ring


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